
Freedom Center

Home for the soul where you find the courage to meet your self


Vi träffas i lilla huset med bibliotek (står #40 på det) kl 18:30-21  torsdagar 27-juni, 4-juli, 18-juli, 25-juli

Det blir en stund där vi samlas i en trygg miljö och kan diskuterar saker som vi kanske sällan har möjligheter att prata om.  

Där fins mänga intressanta bökar i biblioteket och ofta spelar vi "Questions of the Heart" där vi får funderar på lite djupare frågor.


Weekend with Pamela July 12-14

Weekend with Pamela form 

Instructions: Fill out and email to 

Click Here to Download the Form


* If you cannot download the form, please copy the text below and fill in the gaps to send it to us. *


Name: Last ____________________________ First _______________ MI ______


Birth date: (year/Month/day)__________________Gender: ____male ____Female   


Nationality: ___________________________


Email Address: 1st  _______________________  (2ndemail _______________________)

Mobile Phone number: country code________ Number_______________________


Postal Address: street _______________________________________ apt ________

city_____________________  state _________ zip _________


Select one:

Weekend with Pamela staying in center's shared room .........for $444* (4044 kr )  _____

Weekend with Pamela camping on property .........................for $399* (3663 kr)    _____

Weekend with Pamela staying off property ...........................for $333* (3033 kr)  _____


*Payment options:

  1. Paypal - I will email a bill with 4% "shipping" charge to cover their fee
  2. Venmo (914-414-6186)  in USA or Swish (0727041712) in Sweden put "pamela weekend" in note and email me
  3. US check - send to Suna Senman, Grev Turegatan 46, 11438 Stockholm, Sweden

When a $120 (1110 kr) deposit is cleared in the bank, your spot is secured.  Remaining balance is due by May 30. No refunds


Workshop fee includes vegetarian/vegan/raw meals that we will create together. 

Eating preference (check all that apply):

____ Vegetarian          ____Vegan                   ___ Raw                       ___ Juice Fasts


List favorite foods:

__________________           __________________            ___________________

__________________           __________________            ___________________

__________________           __________________            ___________________

Allergies:                                 Reaction:

__________________             ___________________________________________

__________________            ____________________________________________

__________________            ____________________________________________

__________________            ____________________________________________


Additional notes:_________________________________________________________




In the center:

  1. Single bed in the "Joy" room of 5 beds in a chakra color. There are some dividers, yet the room is shared. There is an adjoining shared bathroom and a second shared bathroom on the first floor. 
  2. Single bed in the cabin.  The cabin has 2 adjoining rooms that can be closed off. One room has 4 beds. the other room is a single room. Single room in the cabin is $70 extra.  There is no toilet in the cabin. You will use one of the 2 shared bathrooms in the house.
  3. Camping on property (bring your own tent). You will also be sharing the 2 bathrooms in the house.

*note: it's summer so I usually bathe in the river. We will have a 5 minute time limit in the bathroom. Additional portable toilets may be available. 



Färila IF Camping ground (about 400 yards down the road).

  1. cabins that sleep 4 for 300 crowns per night  (about $35/night)
  2. camper spots with hook ups  150 per night (about $18/ night)
  3. camping spots 100 crowns per night  (about $12/ night)

*note: There are no linens at the camp site - just bare mattresses. You may rent sheets and towels from me for $15/pp. Blanket and pillow is an additional $15. The campsite has shared toilets and showers. 


What are your wishes and hopes for the weekend experience? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Any questions contact 



Your Slideshow
