
Freedom Center

Home for the soul where you find the courage to meet your self

A home for the Soul in nature's embrace

Located in the Nordic countryside just 3 1/2 hours north of Stockholm, Freedom is a place you can come home to your soul. We focus on health and creativity through offering meditations, massage, yoga, fresh air, organic gardens, a reading room, gallery and more..

Book your treatments here

Freedom Center in Färila, Sweden

Freedom Center a place where you live your authentic self and create therefrom. In the quietness of  this country setting, you can hear the truth or yourself within. You may choose to walk in the woods to the river behind the center, bike through fields, participate in a yoga or qigong, read enlightening books, garden, or make art. 

Connect and book

facebook @freedomcentersweden


book massage or wellness session

book private room

book family/group room 



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